
Feel your heartbeat

Classes will be held every Sunday from 11:00 to 13:00
They will be conducted by various teachers, healers, wonderful beings, in various languages
Yoga, meditation, dancing, singing, ceremonial cocoa, silence, sound healing, screaming, peace, chaos...
Whatever you experience at the moment, 
whatever you need, 
whatever you are looking for, 
whatever you are facing ... 
- come, you are welcome!
Remember you are not alone.
We are creating a community, space, ourselves... 
experiencing - together and separately... 
ourselves and others <3
Love and gratitude
Monika Dorota Kruś


Nánari upplýsingar

Námskeið hefst 07-02-2021 11:00
Námskeið endar 07-02-2021 13:00
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